
Continually Improving the Quality of Learning

Page history last edited by Michele 6 years, 11 months ago




Continually Improving the Quality of Learning (CIQoL)



This Apréli@ - TESSA Share collection of African Open Educational Resources (OER) is intended for both primary and secondary schools.


It aims to equip schools to evolve towards a Community of Extended Professional Learning (CEPLe), with a view to continually improving the quality of teaching-learning.


It is aimed at all in the school: the teachers, the pedagogical supervisors, the trainers, the heads of schools. They are all at the heart of the learning and continuous professional development (CPD) process.


It places the institution at the heart of the CPD process, by implementing, within itself and and with networks of close and distant peers, an innovative model of learning and collaborative continuous professional development of all actors.


This model is based on active and collaborative pedagogies favouring African OERs, particularly those of TESSA and Apréli@.


This collection offers:







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